Adair County Sheriff's Office

Core Values and Mission

Core Values and Mission
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Core Values

HONESTY:  We will exemplify the highest standards of ethical and moral behavior, which requires complete freedom from deceit or fraud.

INTEGRITY:  We will conduct ourselves with uncompromising service to our community and this department with a firm adherence to ethical principles and sound moral character.

COMMITMENT:  We pledge an unrelenting determination to serve the community and to achieve a standard of excellence in every endeavor.

COURAGE:  We will meet adversity, danger, difficulty, or pain without regard to fear.

EXCELLENCE:  We will distinguish ourselves as a professional organization, whose members work together with pride in providing our citizens exemplary service.

Mission Statement

We the deputies and employees of the Adair County Sheriff's Office are committed, by adhering without compromise, to our core values, in our resolve to providing all citizens of Adair County the highest standard of quality law enforcement.

Adair County Sheriff's Office  424 Public Sq. Columbia, KY

  ©2006 Adair County Sheriff's Office  424 Public Sq. Columbia, KY 42728